12 > 13 December 2024
SS. Giovanni e Paolo Hospital, Venice - Italy

Italian CME credits will be granted to those participants who attend at least 90% of scientific works, fill in the questionnaire assessment of perceived quality and respond correctly at least 75% of the questions in the evaluation questionnaire learning.


The questionnaire to be completed by 16th December 2024

  • Con la sponsorizzazione non condizionante di
  • Con la sponsorizzazione non condizionante di


Pathological diagnoses are becoming a very complicated medical field due to the advent of many different biomarker needs both for the identification of histological and molecular oncogene targets and immunotherapy-related bioselectors (i.e. PD-1/PD-L1 axis).
The CME meeting will host 4 “MASTERS” in pathology and thanks to the application of an innovative digital pathology platform will offer to the participants the unique possibility of exploring the crucial diagnostic criteria of the following pivotal fields:
● Breast pathology
● Gastrointestinal pathology
● Cytopathology
● Soft tissue pathology

This educational meeting will explore, through discussion of challenging real pathological clinical cases diagnosed according to the latest cancer diagnostic criteria, including extensive molecular characterization by NGS and omics, several possible diagnostic patterns.

The course will gather participants from all over the world with the main objective to get participants in the "navigation" of cases by world opinion leaders to stimulate the consolidation of diagnostic skills through the development of strategic thinking.

Cases will be selected through integration of clinical-pathological data with the mutational landscape and the immunological background/status of the patients for a representative overview of the difficult diagnostic process in oncology and immunosoppression context.

Through innovative digital pathology technological approaches, the cases will be presented in a manner that allows the fundamental diagnostic and management aspects to be addressed. While viewing the cases, participants will be able to challenge themselves on dilemmas posed by the speakers in quizzes that will engage them in an interactive manner increasing learning and participation.


Day 1
Registration and Welcome
09.00  Institutional greetings and Introduction – Aldo Scarpa & Angelo Paolo Dei Tos
 .  FIRST SESSION – Liron Pantanowitz
09.30  Evolving Horizons in Cytopathology
10.30  Coffee break
11.00  An immersion in a Breast Pathology case mix – Stefano Marletta
12.30  Game & digital competition
13.00  Lunch
 .  SECOND SESSION – Fatima Carniero
14.00  Pearls and Pitfalls in Gastrointestinal Pathology
15.00  An immersion in a GI case mix – Matteo Fassan
16.30  Coffee break
17.00  Game & digital competition
17.30  Video Mapping Showcase: The day ends with fireworks over Venice

Day 2
09.15  Introduction to day 2 – Aldo Scarpa & Angelo Paolo Dei Tos
 .  THIRD SESSION – Stuart J. Schintt
09.30  Breakthroughs in Breast Pathology: A Transformative Journey
10.30  Coffee break
11.00  An immersion in a Breast Pathology case mix – Vincenzo L’Imperio
12.30  Game & digital competition
13.00  Lunch
 .  FOURTH SESSION – Angelo Paolo Dei Tos
14.00  Frontiers of Soft Tissue Pathology: Exploring Key Advances and Diagnoses
15.00  An immersion in a Soft Tissue Pathology case mix – Marta Sbaraglia
16.30  Game & digital competition
17.00  Award Ceremony of Partecipants – Faculty and participants
17.45  Closing Remarks – Aldo Scarpa & Angelo Paolo Dei Tos
18.00  End of event


Italian CME credits will be granted to those participants who attend at least 90% of scientific works, fill in the questionnaire assessment of perceived quality and respond correctly at least 75% of the questions in the evaluation questionnaire learning.


Obiettivo formativo

1 - Applicazione nella pratica quotidiana dei principi e delle procedure dell'evidence based practice (EBM - EBN - EBP)

Procedure di valutazione

Italian CME credits will be granted to those participants who attend at least 90% of scientific works, fill in the questionnaire assessment of perceived quality and respond correctly at least 75% of the questions in the evaluation questionnaire learning.


The questionnaire to be completed by 16th December 2024




Responsabile scientifico

  • Angelo Dei Tos
    Direttore UOC Anatomia Patologica, Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova


  • Elena Bellan
    Direttore UOC Anatomia Patologica, Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova
  • Fatima Carniero
    Dep. of Pathology, Centro Hospitalar Univ. de São João (CHUSJ) & Department of Pathology, Univ. Porto
  • Angelo Dei Tos
    Direttore UOC Anatomia Patologica, Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova
  • Albino Eccher
    Direttore UOC Anatomia Patologica, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena
  • Matteo Fassan
    Prof. di Patologia / Dir. Dip. Patologia / ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana / Pres. didattico Tecniche Lab. Biomedico / Univ. di Padova
  • Vincenzo L'Imperio
    Dep. of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, University of Milano-Bicocca,IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo dei Tintori, Monza
  • Licia Laurino
    Pathology Dep. ULSS3 Serenissima and ULSS4 Veneto Orientale, UOC Anatomy and Pathologic Histology Hospitals of Mestre
  • Stefano Marletta
    Section of Pathology, Department of Diagnostics and Public Health, University and Hospital Trust of Verona, Verona, Italy
  • Fabio Pagni
    SC Anatomia Patologica Fond. IRCCS San Gerardo, Monza - Direttore Scuola Spec. di Anatomia Patologica - Univ. Bicocca Milano
  • Liron Pantanowitz
    Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Stuart J Schnitt
    Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Breast Oncology Program - Boston USA


  • Aldo Scarpa
    Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, University and Hospital Trust of Verona, Verona, Italy

Elenco delle professioni e discipline a cui l'evento è rivolto

Medico chirurgo

  • Anatomia patologica
  • Biochimica clinica
  • Dermatologia e venereologia
  • Ginecologia e ostetricia
  • Oncologia
  • Patologia clinica
  • Pediatria
  • Radiodiagnostica
  • Radioterapia


  • Biologo

Tecnico sanitario laboratorio biomedico

  • Tecnico sanitario laboratorio biomedico

Tecnico sanitario di radiologia medica

  • Tecnico sanitario di radiologia medica
leggi tutto leggi meno


  • 12 dicembre 2024 - 08:30-17:30
  • 12 dicembre 2024 - Ospedale SS. Giovanni e Paolo - Venezia
  • Sestiere Castello, 6777, 30122 Venezia (VE)
  • Tel. -
  • Visualizza sulla mappa
  • 13 dicembre 2024 - 09:15-18:00
  • 13 dicembre 2024 - Ospedale SS. Giovanni e Paolo - Venezia
  • Sestiere Castello, 6777, 30122 Venezia (VE)
  • Tel. -
  • Visualizza sulla mappa