Scientific research in oncology has led to very significant changes, particularly in the area of breast cancer, in terms of response to treatment and improved clinical outcomes for patients. Although randomised controlled trials (RCTs) remain the research modality most relied on by regulatory authorities to establish the safety and clinical efficacy of drugs, evidence from the socalled 'real world' of clinical practice outside trials (real world evidence - RWE) is currently playing an increasingly important role as a valuable component for the evaluation, theoretically both 'pre' and 'post' regulatory approval.
RWD refers to analysis derived from prospective and/or retrospective data routinely collected in the course of actual clinical practice.
Although RWE is not a substitute for RCTs, it is certainly a useful tool for supplementing efficacy and safety data from registration studies. Therefore, important resources must be used to standardise the quality of RWE and validate its use, so that it can be integrated with RCTs to provide unique insights into patients, treatments and outcomes in routine oncology practice.
RWD could play an instrumental role in what is called Shared Decision Making (SDM), i.e. decision-making that actively involves patients in treatment choices, making them aware of different options and the evidence supporting them. SDM and RWE would, therefore, be tools that contribute to enrich clinical practice and improve patients' care pathways.
The course will provide an overview of RWD and SDM, particularly in the context of breast cancer.
- Inizio iscrizioni: 20-11-2024
- Fine iscrizione: 13-01-2025
- Posti liberi: 494
- Accreditato il: 06-11-2024
- Crediti ECM: 4.5
- Ore formative: 3h
- Codice Evento: 435047
- N. Edizione: 1
L'evento verrà trasmesso in diretta in data 13 Gennaio 2025
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Il test di valutazione ed il modulo di qualità percepita saranno disponibili al termine dell'ultimo webinar e dovranno essere compilati entro il 16/01/2025
Qualsiasi attestato (anche quello di partecipazione) è conseguente alla compilazione di Test di Valutazione e Modulo Qualità Percepita
WEBINAR diretta zoom - 13 Gennaio 2025
dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 17.30
Il test di valutazione ed il modulo di qualità percepita saranno disponibili al termine del webinar e
dovranno essere compilati entro il 16/01/2025
Introduction and Course Objectives – C. Criscitiello, M. Di Maio
Session I: Advancements in Real-World Evidence
Moderators: Giuseppe Curigliano and Mario Giuliano
ore 14:00 Exploring the Evolution of Real World Data (RWD) and Evidence (RWE); the AIOM point of view – Francesco Perrone
ore 14:20 RWE Insights: A Statistical Analysis Perspective – Alessio Signori
ore 14:35 The value of RWD for scientific societies and regulators: are the rules changing? – Antonis Valachis
ore 14:50 Discussion
Session II: Innovations and Future Outlook in Real-World Studies
Moderators: Massimo Di Maio and Giampaolo Bianchini
ore 15:00 Implementing Next-Generation Real-World Studies – Emilio Bria
ore 15:15 Impact of RWD on Clinical Practices: A Case Study in Metastatic Breast Cancer – Andrea Botticelli
ore 15:30 Data Sharing in the Modern Era: Case Studies and Models – Claudio Vernieri
ore 15:45 Discussion
Session III: Enhancing Patient Care through Shared Decision Making
Moderators: Carmen Criscitiello and Grazia Arpino
ore 16:00 Quality of Life and Oncology: Measuring the Impact of New Therapies – Carmine De Angelis
ore 16:15 The Significance of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Healthcare – Massimo Di Maio
ore 16:30 Round Table: Optimizing the Shared Decision-Making Process in Patient Care
. Patient Perspective - Rosanna D’Antona
. Physician Perspective – Grazia Arpino
. Psychologist Perspective - Gabriella Pravettoni
ore 17:05 Q&A
ore 17:20 Summary and Concluding Remarks by Scientific Directors
ore 17:30 Webinar Closure
Obiettivo formativo
1 - Applicazione nella pratica quotidiana dei principi e delle procedure dell'evidence based practice (EBM - EBN - EBP)
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Durante il webinar in diretta, i Discenti avranno la possibilità di accedere con video-camere e audio attivi per partecipare e interagire con la faculty.
Maggiori informazioni tecniche verranno fornite durante la diretta.
Procedure di valutazione
Questionario (obbligatoriamente a risposta multipla) DA COMPILARE ENTRO IL 16/01/2025
Attenzione: la nuova normativa ministeriale in vigore dal 01/07/2019 prevede che:
- soglia di superamento: 75% delle risposte corrette
L’assegnazione dei crediti formativi è subordinata alla partecipazione effettiva del programma e al superamento della verifica di apprendimento.
Responsabile scientifico
Carmen CriscitielloDivision of New Drugs and Early Drug Development for Innovative Therapies, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Milan
Massimo Di MaioDepartment of Oncology , University of Turin, A.O.U. San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano, Turin
Grazia ArpinoDepartment of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of Naples
Andrea BotticelliDepartment of Radiological, Oncological and Pathological Sciences, Sapienza-University of Rome
Emilio BriaComprehensive Cancer Center, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A.Gemelli IRCCS, Rome
Carmine De AngelisDepartment of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II, Naples
Massimo Di MaioDepartment of Oncology , University of Turin, A.O.U. San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano, Turin
Rosanna FidanziaEuropa Donna Italia, Milan
Francesco PerroneClinical Trial Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, IRCCS, Fondazione G.Pascale, Naples
Gabriella PravettoniDivision of Applied Research Division for Cognitive and Psychological Science, European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, Milan
Alessio SignoriDepartment of Health Sciences, University of Genoa, Genoa
Antonis ValachisDepartment of Oncology, Örebro Universitet Institutionen för Medicinska Vetenskaper, Orebro, Sweden
Claudio VernieriMedical Oncology and Hematology Department, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan
Grazia ArpinoDepartment of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of Naples
Giampaolo BianchiniIRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan
Carmen CriscitielloDivision of New Drugs and Early Drug Development for Innovative Therapies, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Milan
Giuseppe CuriglianoDivision of New Drugs and Early Drug Development for Innovative Therapies, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Milan
Massimo Di MaioDepartment of Oncology , University of Turin, A.O.U. San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano, Turin
Mario GiulianoDepartment of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, Naples